I know you’re thinking, “Well, Jess, you think you’re so crafty, you could just knit some tall socks.” And to that I say, “I may knit some crazy things, but I will never, not ever, ever knit a pair of socks. Ever. Like even if I’ve been barefoot in Antarctica for 21 years.”
I just don’t see the point. They’re so tedious. And then the glorious finished product gets hidden in a shoe, relegated to soaking up your foot sweat all day.
Enter the perfect solution: the boot topper.
The great thing about a boot topper is that it gives the illusion of the I-snowshoed-to-work-today vibe without all the bulk of an actual Eskimo sock. I whipped up several pairs of these as Christmas gifts this year and found I could crank one out for every two episodes of Breaking Bad I watched. Not such a bad pace for an awesome DIY gift.
It’s super easy (and surprisingly cozy) to make your own little calf Snuggies. I used worsted weight wool and size 7 double pointed needles for these boot toppers, but really, you can use any yarn you want as long as you adjust the needle size accordingly. I find it pretty fun to knit the basic tube and then add some variety in the stitches at the top (the part that sticks out of the boot). These boot toppers aren’t super tapered because we tend to be a family of pretty thin chicken calves. But if your calves are on the larger side, just add a few extra stitches once you’ve completed the bottom ribbing.
Basic Knit Boot Topper Pattern:
Worsted Weight Wool (although you can use anything that makes your legs smile)
Size 7 DPNs
Yarn Needle to sew in ends
Wanna save this pattern?
Cast on 44 stitches.
Ribbing: K2 P2 and continue this ribbing until you’re happy with its length
Body: Knit in the round until piece measures about 6″
(If you have larger calves, increase four stitches, dispersed evenly on the first full knit row.)
Top: K2 P2 and continue this ribbing until you’re happy with its length
(Or make up your own fancy design for the top)
Bind off all stitches, weave in the ends, pull on some comfy leggins and hit the road–or a mural of a road.
I love these boot toppers because they’re a super easy accessory that can look completely different based on the yarn and stitches you choose. Try a seed stitch. Or ribbing throughout. Or straight up garter stitch goodness. You really can’t go wrong.
Thanks to my ever-stylish sister, Mich, for modeling. You’re really a natural calf model.
Jane says
Loving this, might have to start this project this weekend!
diane campanelli says
I was just asked if I could knit these boot cuffs nd I found your pattern. You mentoned you knit in the round can youuse a circular needle? I just finished making knit cowls and they were done with a circular needle. Pattern looks the same but smaller. Please advise loe the pattern thanks.
Judy says
hi – I am making the boot toppers. This is just the right pattern I was looking for…
Do you have a scarf pattern that will lay flat rather than curl up?
Carol says
I have granddaughters of all ages…do you have a suggestion for making the knitted boot toppers for 8 – 12 year old’s. The 44 stitches for the 15 – 18 yr old’s worked well. Thank you for sharing your pattern.
Make and Do Girl says
Hey Carol,
You’re so sweet to make boot toppers for your granddaughters. I’m glad to hear the pattern worked for the 15-18-year-olds. I’d try casting on 36 stitches for the younger girls. Keep in mind, you can always increase or decrease the number of stitches cast on by increments of 4. That way, the ribbing will always line up to alternate knit/purl.
Happing knitting!
Rossann says
Does anyone have a suggested length for the ribbing?
Make and Do Girl says
Hey Rossann,
Personally, I like it about 1.5″. Trust your gut–er–your calves 🙂
Happy knitting!
AbracaDebra says
Thank you so much Jess for stating your logic for not knitting socks!
Like you, I will never knit socks or be made to feel inadequate for not knitting socks!
Gold Toe, Hanes and Fruit of the Loom have the science perfected so there is no need for me to suffer the frustration!
Boot toppers, however are next on my needles!
Knit happily!
Make and Do Girl says
Ha ha! I’m glad we see socks the same way, Deb.
Here’s to boot topper season!
Hannah says
I know this is an older post, but I just found it today and I’m so happy I did! Can’t wait to make a few of these before the cold really sets in 🙂 Thank you!
Make and Do Girl says
I totally agree. I just pulled my boot toppers out of storage the other day and I was so happy to see them.
Happy knitting!
Cris says
Could you share the top of the mocha topper..it is very cute..thanks
Make and Do Girl says
Hey Chris,
I’m afraid I don’t have my notes on that pattern any more, but perhaps I’ll re-write up a similar pattern soon. Thanks for reading.